Academic Calendar
Looking for registration deadlines, spring break or when grades are due? Our academic calendar has all of the important events for this academic year.
Elmira College Campus Safety has several policies in place to ensure the safety and security of the campus.
Timely Warning Policy | Clery Missing Person Policy | Campus Access Policy | Campus Evacuation
Campus security policies and procedures are reviewed by EC's Campus Safety Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations for improvement and reviews additional issues that affect the overall safety and well-being of the campus community. The committee, which is comprised of key administrators, reports its findings and recommendations to Senior Officers and the Elmira College Crisis Management Team.
The Campus Safety Advisory Committee was established in accordance with Section 6431 of Article 129-A of New York State Education Law.
See the U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool to see reports for public inquiries relating to campus crime and fire data.
Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool
Any campus community member who has concerns that they would like to share with the committee are asked to contact the committee chairperson.